The 5 Most Common Problems Female Entrepreneurs Face | Amber Barry
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Do you offer discovery calls in your business? I find that they're a great starting point—a way for people who are interested in my coaching or Ontraport services to get to know me and get a feel for the way that I do business. They are a treasure trove of learning, because you'll get to hear where your ideal clients are struggling and what frustrates them the most.

I had 6 discovery calls last week, and these are some of the things I learned:

Common Problem #1: There are a lot of businesses out there who don't deliver.
A LOT of the women I talk to have been burned or let down by the courses or services they invest their hard earned money in. When I hear these stories it makes me want to work even harder to make sure I deliver an exceptional customer experience and do my absolute best to deliver on the things that I promise. A discovery call is a great place for you to try to alleviate these concerns, if your ideal clients are in the same boat.

Common Problem #2: Difficulty staying organized and on track (but most women think it's just them!)
Can you move forward without a clearly defined plan? Sure, but you risk getting lost along the way, wasting huge amounts of time, and dealing with massive frustration. In other words, it's not the best recipe for success. Staying organized and having a plan can make your life SO much easier.

I used to struggle with this too, but creating and implementing a business framework is what made all the difference for me.

A framework is your business "road map" or training plan. Creating the right one can keep you on track, help you maintain your clarity and guide your progress so you can reach your goals easier, faster and with less of a headache.

Common Problem #3: Not knowing where to focus your time and energy.
Figuring out how to ration your time and energy is one of the best skills you can learn as a new business owner. One of the most valuable lessons I've learned is to invest my time in the areas I'm really good at, and hire help for the other areas!

As a new business owner, you are very likely wearing all the hats, but there's a lot to know and a lot to do! Expecting yourself to know it all and do it all is a lofty goal, and if often comes at a huge price (which is spelled B-U-R-N-O-U-T). <-- and boy do I know a little something about that! That's why I decided to hire help, and it helped me grow my business so much faster.

Asking for (and, more importantly, being willing to receive help), is a great way to make sure you're investing your time and energy in the most impactful way. It also helps you leverage your strengths and balance out your weaknesses.

The truth is, you're a genius at a lot of things, but the reality is that you probably aren't an expert in all areas. This makes it a no-brainer to reach out to the people who DO have the expertise you're looking for. This might mean hiring someone to build your website, bringing a VA on board to help you with daily tasks, or a coach to guide you and help you grow in ways you never imagined.

Common Problem #4: Not knowing how to communicate regularly with your audience.
Consistent communication is key! 
This is something you'll hear me say over and over again.

When you're running a business online, creating consistent content helps you get your message out there and stay top-of-mind. This is true on all the different platforms you aim to show up on, like social media, on your blog or with your mailing list.

If you have no idea what to say, ask yourself what your audience needs...

  • Are they missing information that could help them?
  • Can you share your story in a way that helps them?
  • Can you share simple tips to help them reach small goals?

The answer to all of these questions is YES! You absolutely can. You just have to figure out how.

Common Problem #5: Not knowing how to navigate the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey.
Nearly 100% of the women I talk to who are trying to build a business in the online space mention frustration, loneliness and tears, and I'm here to tell you that we've ALL been there. That's why it's SO important to connect with people who have similar goals. Joining a supportive community can help. Asking for help isn't always about hiring people, it's also about the emotional support, connection and camaraderie you need along the way.

Whether you are looking to take the first steps in your biz, make connections or take your business one step further signing up for my FREE Go-Getters Make More Sales 5-day Masterclass is a great place to start!

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