Creating your own success framework is a very personal and individualized process that’s usually full of trial and error. It’s often a journey that’s rich in the specific lessons that you personally need to learn, but you can absolutely tap into the mindset and habits of other people who are consistently reaching their goals, so that you can reach yours too. Here is the framework that I love to draw on when I’m going after a new goal:
Belief. It all starts with belief, because if you’re going after a goal that you don’t actually believe is possible it makes it a lot harder to achieve it. “I don’t know if I can” or “I don’t know how” might seem (or feel) like a lack of belief, but it’s really just fear-driven nonsense. When you bet on yourself and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goal — that’s where the magic happens! You learn to trust yourself. You learn that you can count on yourself to show up. And you learn to believe in your process, so that when you say you’re going to do something, you trust yourself to follow through and make it happen.
Courage. Reaching new heights often comes with pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and doing things you’ve never done before — it’s scary, but don’t let it stop you! When you commit to facing (and overcoming) your fears, and going after your goals with everything you’ve got, you trigger a cascade of events that not only help you find success, but also turn you into a badass, resilient human being in the process.
Humility. Speaking of human — you are only human! None of us can know or do it all. Knowing when you need help, and actually asking for it are paramount to your success. Getting in tune with your strengths can help here. Play to your strengths, and learn how to delegate the rest. Side note: This is not a sneaky way to get out of doing the things that scare you. If you are consistently faced with the same fear you better get out there and conquer it! 😝
Know how you overcome hurdles. The road to success is not easy, and hurdles WILL happen. Look back on your past experiences and reflect on how you overcame the hurdles. Reflecting will help you identify where you get caught up, and help you identify any recurring themes. Use this information to create habits and methods that you can draw on when things get tough.
A willingness to share. Sharing what you’ve learned on your road to success can do two things: Firstly, it helps solidify the lessons you learned for yourself so that you can seamlessly integrate them into your framework and crush your future goals. And secondly, it can help and inspire others who might be at the beginning of their success journey.
Use this framework as a guide when you’re jumping into a new journey or reaching for a new goal. Before you jump in set aside some time to reflect on and identify the general steps you’ll need to get from point A to point B. Creating a clear path for yourself and then implementing your success framework will propel you forward, so that you reach your goals time and again. Happy goal getting!